Site visits. A window to assess safety policy in practice. A chance to connect to the needs of our clients and to touch base with our team on the ground. Whether a construction site or a precast fabrication facility, site visits also share a glimpse into the intelligence of engineering. Innovation in motion. And very occasionally, to fascinating industry gems.
Much like what Telum’s Brisbane team discovered during a recent visit to the Reinforced Concrete Pipes Australia (RCPA) Meeandah facility in Brisbane’s North. In producing precast stormliners the facility masterfully marries cutting edge technology with the timeless innovation of their concrete pipe machine – the Mazza – imported from Italy and used in the plant since 1962 (when the plant was then owned by James Hardie & Co. Pty. Ltd). This engineering artifact is no lifeless antiquity – it remains central to the plants’ production churning out 200 tonne of light-weight, reinforced concrete composite pipes a day.
Proving age is no match for agility the machine adapted to producing cellulose reinforced concrete pipes, a form of light-weight autoclaved pipe, in the 1980’s. Since then, this enduring piece of machinery has gone on to manufacture an incredible 12,000kms of pipe installed across the length and breadth of Australia.
It’s a bona fide production marvel the likes of which none of our team had seen in action before.
While site visits are a crucial part of our service, occasionally we leave one with a lingering sense of having seen something truly special. Watching a historical machine like the Mazza continuing to leave an indelible mark on the modern civil construction landscape, easily ranks as one such occasion.
Our thanks to the RCPA Meeandah team, particularly Production Manager Ryan Buss, for sharing this engineering rarity with the team. Priceless.